
18 Months - 3 Years

The purpose of the Toddler program is to provide a rich play-based environment in which your child’s natural curiosity can find expression. It is an individualized program designed to let each child grow at his or her own pace.

The environment and the materials are designed to help develop social interaction, concentration, coordination, and independence. The teacher is a nurturing guide who prepares the environment, facilitates problem solving, and serves as a positive role model. At CCS, your child will receive a foundation in everyday living, social skills, self-care, large motor skills, language and math skills, nature, art, and music.

AGES 18 Months - 3 Years

School Year Program or Year-Round with 9 Week Summer Program

Ages 18 months to 2 years
2-5 Days
8:15-11:15am or 7:30am-5:30pm*

Ages 2 to 3 years
2-5 Days
8:15-11:15am or 7:30am-5:30pm*

*Alternate pickup at 3:30, 4:30 or 5:00pm